
Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is the week for playing. The kids are out of school and they are playing and this gives me the chance to play too. I have been browsing and finding new technology that is available that I may be behind on.

One of the best finds was CrossLoop. It is a very simple, easy to install and easy to use program that will let us tech or program minded folks help out our family and friends who are not.

I know you can do the same thing with programs built into windows but if you are not comfortable (like the ones your helping) it can be a huge task to navigate and understand. Crossloop handles all of this in a very easy to understand way with simple buttons, interface and connections. Best of all it is secure.

For those who do not have a tech friend you can hire one from their website. All of this is done with a secure code for each session, be it personal or paid. Tat means you can disconnect at anytime. High speed is recommended on both sides.

The website is CrossLoop. You can download it there as well as find help. I would recommend though to have them download it from the snapfiles site it is easier on the eyes and not too busy.

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