
Monday, July 28, 2008


This is one of the easiest shots to produce and it is also one that can create a very dramatic effect.

First, I was challenged by the harsh afternoon sun. We were at a school so I took him to the breeze way to cut the direct overhead light. I positioned the subject were I saw color behind him. Noting that the final image will look better when: the color behind the subject enhances the clothes, skin and feel of the shot.

I could position the camera with-in 6 feet of the subject, which I did. However, the bright sun I needed to kick into the shot was 12-15 feet away. I had a assistant walk out to the heavy sun and position the 36 inch circle reflector back at the subject. Be careful and understand that the sun is bright and it is uncomfortable for the model. Try to angle it so that the model does not have to squint. Still, keeping in mind the areas you need to fill.

I like to work with the reflectors because:

1. You see what you are getting.

2. For me it makes a more pleasing and contrasty background, allowing all the colors to come through.

3. It is easy to place, easy to handle, it’s light and requires no portable lights, cords or battery packs.

4. Anyone can help you - Friends, Family, Bystanders, Anyone – no experience required.

5. You can bounce the light in or if no shade is available you can hold it above them and have a shoot through diffuser.

Now the shot: I liked the background but wanted to keep the focus on the subject because that is what this shot is all about, right. In AV mode I set the f/stop to 2.8. I was about 6-8 feet away which would give me a long enough depth of field for him. I let the camera set the shutter speed which on this one was 1/3200 seconds. (Note: Don’t ever worry about the high Shutter Speed).

If I had wanted more detail in the background, I personally would have gone with f/8. But I knew the sidewalk was going to blow out (white) on this shot. He was a long way from the reflector so I chose the silver side for distance and because of his skin tone he could take the more direct light. I always shoot in groups of 3’s with the focus being on the eye closest to me.

Give a reflector a try, it only cost about $40 and it has endless possibilities.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Sorry for not updating I have been working with Nash Farm Battlefield and my friend Mark Pollard on getting a new website built. Last year the County bought 204 acres of the rare endangered property that was part of the battle of Lovejoy.

Check out the site and see what we are doing

we are still in the text stage even after about 60 hours work with layouts, text and maps. It won't be long now (about another week or two) for the text (history and stories) are done and then we can pretty it up with photos with-in the stories and pages.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Have you bee struggling with losing a few pounds like I have. Check out this site if you want to lose wieght quickly. It's the fastest way I have seen with true results. No Kidding. Lose up to 45 lbs. in one day. And most of it under a Doctor's supervision.


You will not regret it. (Maybe)