
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

American Pickers - Civil War Finds

American Pickers – Hey everyone I just got off the phone with the rep from American pickers. They had sent an request to find people and items (Civil War related for the show). This is legitimate and also not a normal show. Fair market value will be paid for items and those items purchased will go in “display” not hidden away in a museum chosen by the history channel. They are looking for individuals not dealers. We have offered to have them on the show to explain more. If you are interested contact me at and I will get you in touch with the right people.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan - New Art

While searching today for anticipation of the next book by John Flanagan in the Ranger's Apprentice Series, I had to marvel at the new artwork for the books. This seems to be a turn that a lot of companies are turning to and making the books almost feel like trading cards. I do like most of the new artwork and still like some of the old artwork. Around the world where released there have been many covers to simple yet well done arrows to this new more dramatic painted scenes. I really did not like the photo covers of the early books, so this makes you wonder what is next. Tamora Pierce has done this with her Tortall Series and that made me bite the bullet and pick up 1 of the Alanna titles that I could not resist the artwork on.

The next question is- will you purchase a new set of these to get the new covers? I personally will purchase the new books in the series and even continue to order from overseas but I am not sure I will collect all the covers, but it sure makes me wish I had waited sometimes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Our History Project Presents - "You Are There" - Lincoln Assassination

This historical audio drama was produced by CBS as the premiere of "You are There!" in 1947. It provides a full cast commentary/play on the assassination and the night at Ford's Theater.

Download the show.

Friday, September 3, 2010

OHP Radio Presents: Spycast

We are busy working for you!
For the next couple of weeks we will be working on several project including some grant writing and research, as well as preparing for the Military Writers of America Conference to be held in Pittsburg at the end of the month.  During this time we do not want to let a chance for a story go so what I have done is provided you with audio from other historical based shows around the web listen to and enjoy. We have a lot of projects in the works and on our plates, so check back often or watch our Facebook page for updates. You can still find us on live every Monday night right here and on>.
This week:

This week we bring you Spycast hosted by Peter Earnest and provided by the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C.. Spycast has long been one of my favorites as it features espionage at its best by the people who were there. You can keep up with all thier shows at>.

August 16, 2010: Peering Over the Iron Curtain: Overhead Photography and the Cold War
Today Peter converses with Dino Brugioni, a pioneer of the art of photo interpretation and a living legend of the US Intelligence Community. Dino shares his personal experiences briefing Presidents and describes the role that he and overhead photography played in such seminal Cold War events as the “missile gap” and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Dino Brugioni has looked inside the most secret places on earth…from above.

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Arthur Wiknik - NAM SENSE

This week we are joined by Arthur Wiknik to discuss his biographical account of his tour in Vietnam in 1969-1970 through his newly released book “NAM SENSE”. His story is more than a War Diary it is a personal account and one that resonated with the common soldier in the field. You can visit his website at The book can be purchased from all booksellers, however he has offered to sign books at no extra charge purchased from his site.

Be sure to browse Athur's website for numerous
links, facts and videos:


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