
Sunday, October 5, 2008


I missed last month of "How I Got The Shot" so this month I'll throw in a 3 for 1.

I have been trying to show examples of easy shots with very little equipment that anyone can do. Here is a set of different shots with basically the same principle and setup with slightly different settings. All where metered prior to shooting and then adjusted for the look I wanted. Remember a light meter as well as your Auto and P mode will all give you a starting point for your creation. Find that starting point and then adjust the shutter and f stop to see what happens.

On this one I put the light beside me about 10-12 feet from the model and I had my assistant hold the reflector about waist level next to her. That blended the light and took out the shadows.

This one was shot pretty much the same way except I used a larger panel and angled it so it would mix the natural and strobe lights. This not only lit her well but kept the backgound nice and saturated.

This last on was shot with a reflector only that was about 10-15 feet away. I used the silver/gold side because of the distance and it also helped smooth her skin tone out to bring out her eyes.

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