
Sunday, June 22, 2008


For this post I will show you how I made this shot and what I learned in the process.

The setup:

1 large red rug (not roled out all the way)
2 large wicker baskets
1 large potted plant
1 carry basket with 2 sides
1 teddy bear
1 doll bed mattress
1 blanket

The door was opened all the way to allow for the natural light to come in and fill the area the 2 side window blinds were opened. Afternoon sun not direct light.

One large basket was set up for the baby with the mattress and blanket to cover with. The second basket was placed behind him as a background. I did not worry about the room because it would not show in the shot. The large plant was set up behind him to add color and texture to the top crop. The 2 sided basket was placed just beside him for balance and a contrast of greens with one green plant and the other side held a stuffed panda (still dark fur with a splash of white) just incase the shot went wide or I wanted a different angle.

I placed a baby doll in for the test and ISO 100 f/4 @ 1/60 produced a very flattering creamy light with a bounce panel placed beside it (silver side).

The Baby was placed in the basket and we began to shoot. Two things were immediately wrong was I did not account for the the movement of the baby. Mainly the speed of his hands and head.

I got a small monolight from the studio and added a touch of light at it's lowest settings. I had my oldest daughter put her hand in the basket and continued to shoot until the color and spped were to my liking. What suprised me is the amount of light that was poured into the shot to capture all those wiggles and giggles.

What I ended up with was ISO800 f/2.8 and 1/400. All this was done with the natural light, monolight and a bounce panel to get the light the way I wanted.

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